Leitz Phone 2
Leitz Phone 2

Leica 的第二代智能手機 Leitz Phone 2 在日本才開賣了一天,今天就已經有水貨登陸香港了。這次全港首發來自旺角先達廣場的三禾電氣,要價 HK$14,800,我們亦有幸在店裡先來個動手玩。首先必須說這次的「Leica White」機身非常吸睛,不過另一面的 6.6 吋 2,730 x 1,260 OLED 螢幕變成平面,再配合方形的四角,整體造型明顯比上代更陽剛。文章底部的圖片集有更多對比照片。

Leitz Phone 2(左)與 Leitz Phone 1
Military Vehicle Antenna
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Antennas for Military vehicles or Vehicular antennas for heavy-duty use, such as in the forest or in remote locations on armored vehicles, and low-profile antennas for civil vehicles. Communication and EW applications are examples of applications.
Wideband mobile VHF antennas with frequency ranges of 30 to 88 MHz or 30 to 108 MHz are designed primarily for use in heavy-duty mobile applications.
Typically, the antenna is made up of three major parts: the antenna base, the lower part, and the upper part. Some antennas have two sections, while others have three. The long-lasting antenna base with GPS (optional).
The stainless steel spring absorbs shocks and vibrations while also protecting the antenna from collisions.
Both radiating pieces are comprised of composite materials, which allow for exceptional strength and roughness even in the harshest environments.
Leitz Phone 2(左)和 Leitz Phone 1(右)。

我個人倒是覺得 Leitz Phone 1 的設計更有 Leica 相機的味道,不過說性能的話,肯定是 Leitz Phone 2 的 47.2MP、1 吋 Sony IMX989 感光元件要好很多——這一點我們在小米 12S Ultra 上有體驗到。Leitz Phone 2 還有一顆 2MP 的景深鏡,也可模擬 Summilux 28mm、Summilux 35mm 和 Noctilux 50mm 等經典 M 鏡頭的景深與散景效果。

Leitz Phone 2 和前代一樣,有一個鋁製的鏡頭蓋配件,可以透過磁力蓋住整個鏡頭部,只是這次稍大一點,標誌也從「Leica」改成「Leitz」(機背上的紅圈圈也是)。盒子裡也包含一個保護套、SIM 卡針和 USB-C 至 USB-A 轉接器。有興趣搶先買的話可以向三禾電氣查詢喔。